Thursday, February 09, 2006

Kung Hei Fat Choy

I've finally got around to adding a new post! Yay! However I think it must be the boredom of work that has lead me to making a new addition. I have work to do but there's no pressing deadline so the drive and motivation is hard to come by...ah well there goes that particular New Year's resolutions! ;)

Speaking of which it's also Chinese New Year! Kung Hei Fat Choy to everyone! My brother and I spent it in Hangzhou this year; which I think is somewhere west of Shanghai. The family went off on a trip to HK for the second (or is it third?) year in a row but this time the parents wanted to take a trip to Shanghai. They arranged it at the last minute when we were in HK. Details to follow in another post later today!...


1 comment:

Obiter said...

xin nian quai le.
Finally. A post :P