So Summer is upon us!!!
And I have to say how different it is over here. The weather is bakingly hot and humid to boot, finding it hard sometimes to cope but I'm giving it my best shot (^_^)
The rain season looks like it is over so it looks like plain sailing from here, well apart from the typhoons but they coms later :P
So work has been ok, but we've been having trouble lately with two teachers leaving us for various reasons so there's been alot of reshuffling. Irritating but nothing to be done.
Other than work I been trying to get myself a ticket to Indonesia for the summer to see my friends wedding. And with the help of a Japanese friend it looks like I've got one!! yay!! going to pick it up today.
Bigger news though is this!! I've found some Badminton clubs!! woohoo!! :))))
One I'm going to try tonight, the other is a bit difficult as they play on Sundays and normally mornings, which is when i play tennis so I'm gonna have to work that one out (@_@)
So Summer!! and what does summer mean!!?? movies!!!!
Like my bro I've seen Pirates of the Caribbean the dead mans chest, and I agree it's not as good as the first. The first seems better put together, this one seems bitty but there are still some nice ideas and johnny depp is always good. Worth a go I think. Havent seen Mission Impossible 3 yet but might do soon. Superman isn't out yet much to my chargrin, not even X-men 2!! (T_T) As well as Pirates I also saw a Japanese film with my friend, which was an experiance.
The film was called Memories of Matsuko.

I would highly recommend seeing it, although you might need subtitles :D

Although they are classed as cartoons, or more officially animation, I say unto thee!! Go see one now and you won't regret it!! (^O^)This latest one, Gedo Senki, is based on a book series called The Tales of Earthsea which I have read and recomment highly, which gives me another reason to see it. It'll be all in Japanese but that's a challenge and I like challenges :)))
Well It's my off day so I got to get some ironing (oh what fun!!) so I'll leave you be, ja ne.